Advancing addiction treatment.
Transforming patient-focused healthcare affordability.
Advancing women’s specialized pelvic health.

Redefining holistic health care.

Leading the charge in metabolic health.

Pioneering the digital health revolution.
Our insightful journey
Our expertise is in designing care programs that not only inspire but sustain behavioral health changes.
Advisory Board
Sam Huleatt
Sam Huleatt is an angel investor and multi-time founder. Sam ran investor programs at On Deck, a leading accelerator program, and served on the venture fund team. As a founder Sam co-founded Workstreamer, a business intelligence SaaS company that exited in 2010, and Heights Media, an advertising technology platform providing liquidity to ad exchange partners. Sam is an active investor in health-tech and tech-bio, including companies like: Levels Health, Parallel Bio and Edwin.
Shruthi Mahalingaiah, MD
Shruthi Mahalingaiah is an assistant professor of environmental, reproductive, and women’s health in the Department of Environmental Health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public health. She serves clinically as a physician specializing in ovulation disorders, reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Fred Muench, PhD
Fred Muench is a digital health researcher, inventor, and implementation scientist. He has extensive experience developing and implementing effortless interventions that improve autonomic functioning, self-regulation, mental health, and addiction outcomes.

We’re a mix of designers, engineers, and behavioral specialists united by a mission to use technology in transforming healthcare and enhancing well-being.
Together, we’re equipping care organizations with engaging, effective care programs for all.


program & business development